Grandma's Hand | Teen Ink

Grandma's Hand

September 2, 2016
By Veron56 GOLD, Loveland, Ohio
Veron56 GOLD, Loveland, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was much too young at the time to know
How much I would regret rejecting the hand
The hand that had loved and nurtured me well
It had reached for comfort- but I had turned away


I remember her black hair and kind old eyes
And those wrinkled but gentle aged hands
She was patient and caring everyday that I knew
The best grandma that anyone could have


I remember that moment with so much shame
When she lay nestled in that hospital bed
Where her final days of this life were spent
And she reached out to hold my hand


I declined the hand- because I was scared
They had said she was fading fast
But if I could go back in time I would run to her side
To hold tight till she breathed her last

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