He's an awesome man | Teen Ink

He's an awesome man

June 18, 2016
By Irdina BRONZE, Manjung, Other
Irdina BRONZE, Manjung, Other
4 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
" just be yourself "

He looks fine,

Nothing's wrong.


He looks fine, 

Tall and charming.


He looks fine,

Kind and lovely.


He looks fine,

Talkative and funny.


He looks fine,

No one know.


He looks fine,

Deep inside he hurts. 


He looks fine,

Cause he acted like nothing's wrong.


He looks fine,

Strong and He's gone. 


He looks fine,

The awesome man ever!

The author's comments:

This is all about my dad.. he passed away last month :/ 

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