Wolf Pack | Teen Ink

Wolf Pack

May 27, 2016
By HuntingIsLife123 PLATINUM, Sullivan, Wisconsin
HuntingIsLife123 PLATINUM, Sullivan, Wisconsin
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Just seconds away, the wolf--a Sergeant, raced to the scene
after a desperate call from his brother in blue.
Upon arrival he saw two things:
a fellow officer-- only a Cadet, needing help and
a crook fleeing the scene--his prey.

Finished tending to his brother,
the Sergeant sprinted after the crook
into the dark and dreary streets.
He caught up as the crook
was out of shape.

After the crook refused to surrender
he opted for a less lethal option.
Zap! Down goes the crook
as 10,000 volts rush through his body.
He quickly cuffs the crook
while he can’t move from the shock.

When hs returns to his brother,
he is happy to know he will be fine.
The crook apprehended, so he is
back onto his patrol route
ready for anything the eerie forest may bring.

The author's comments:

Animal Persons

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