How to Get a Failing Grade in High School | Teen Ink

How to Get a Failing Grade in High School

May 26, 2016
By marad32 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
marad32 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ingredients Needed:
-A dash of Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix.
-A heap of Twitter.
-4 slices of Candy Crush.
-Mounds of senioritis.
-A crater of no motivation.
-A dollop of tiredness.
-A scoop of The Bachelor.
-20 missed classes.
-A galaxy of laziness.


1. Start the first day of the semester.
2. Get out your computer and mix a heap of Twitter with four slices of Candy Crush for four hours every night. 
3. You will need a separate bowl for mixing a mound of senioritis with a crater of no motivation.
4. Make sure to never miss a Monday night Bachelor premiere.
5. Miss every other class for the entirety of the semester.
6. Lastly pour a dollop of tiredness on top of a galaxy of laziness.
Congratulations.. You are receiving an F in high school.

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