50 Blank Faces | Teen Ink

50 Blank Faces

May 26, 2016
By bookaholic1998 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
bookaholic1998 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  They are the ones that are supposed to know me. I am the only one that really knows me. Fifty sets of blue eyes like mine but with so many different futures in mind. Fifty varying ideas and opinions. Fifty that believe only they know what is best while casting judgements on the rest. I listen, and do not say a word for I am not meant to be heard.
  My own wants are a my greatest secret. Their thoughts and my hopes fight with gnashing teeth, they tear through my stomach with their dagger like claws, sucking all the energy from me, leaving me breathless. Those faces lift me up and pull me down, to often their wants are the victors and they destroy my desires .This is how they love.
  They mean no harm, those firm beliefs are the roots that have grounded them through many storms. I know best, I know best, I know best they say on constant repeat. History I mustn't repeat.
  The future awaits and I have a long road ahead with those faces watching.The way to go is unclear with a multitude of opinions clouding my thoughts. Fifty faces tell me that decisions need to be made. Fifty different paths lay at my feet. Fifty shocked faces as I finally speak.

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