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May 23, 2016
By MahaelaD SILVER, Red Deer, Other
MahaelaD SILVER, Red Deer, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me, and be my friend.
Albert Camus

Some people are crazy. They want popularity. Does that mean that they want to treat others as unimportant?

Those times of old.
They didn’t care about this stuff.
In childhood.
Back then there was no such thing as this.
Most have changed.
Some not.
Longing now for those days.
We were innocent.
All this was elsewhere. With the older kids.
Now it is with us.
It will get worse.
We will get older.
And older.
Am I the only one who longs for those days?
Who misses them?
Are we actually stuck with this?
We aren’t.
We can go back.
It is lost now, but it can still be found.
We can go back, just not yet.
Will you try?
I will try with you.
Or without you.
What will you decide?

The author's comments:

People always treat me like nothing, just because i'm not 'popular', I have glasses and I try to treat everyone the best I can. It's Ok if they're like that, as long as they don't pick on someone who can't take it.

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