Tick Tock | Teen Ink

Tick Tock

May 15, 2016
By Kate1315 BRONZE, Ault, Colorado
Kate1315 BRONZE, Ault, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She talked to a stuffed rabbit
And swore it was keeping time
She had tea parties
with a man called The Hatter and a little mouse
She bragged about defeating a queen of hearts
And all of her awful cards
She talked nonstop
About girls of flower and red rose painters
She tried to convince the doctors
But simply they shook their heads
and handed her a cup of meds.
As one last attempt to save her sanity
before they sent her to the chair
She would tilt them back
and look to the bed where the Cheshire sat
They went down her throat and into her stomach
when she would open her eyes she would see the smoking caterpillar.

The author's comments:

I was given the assignment to write a poem or set of poems about anything I wanted so I decided to write about Disney Characters but that faced real life struggles instead of keeping it all fairytale and having a happy ending

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