03/17/2016 | Teen Ink


April 29, 2016
By Yezenia BRONZE, Santa Ana, California
Yezenia BRONZE, Santa Ana, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's not about how you played its about how you much effort you put in to the game.

Maybe it’s the fact we had nothing to talk about
The silence of us killed me
What was the friendship anymore?
Time to let go..
Move on to better yourself..
Was it really the time though?
Saddest part was that our friendship was the most important thing
Especially with all the things that was going on..
But it’s time to let go..

The author's comments:

In life things get in the way of friendsips maybe its all for a reason, but in the end you will be okay. You have to push through the pain to get to a better place. For example when you work out you push through the pain because you know there will be a greater outcome, and it is the same as pain.

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