Mr. Lie | Teen Ink

Mr. Lie

April 28, 2016
By Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
78 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You said you loved me
So why do I feel hated

You said you cared for me
So why do I feel abused

You said you'd never leave me
So why am I alone

You said you understand me
So why aren't I understood

You said I can do anything
So why has everything failed

You said you would never let me go
So why am I falling

You said to never give up
But I'm long past that

The last thing you ever said was I love you
and I won't stop till I die

I thought you said you loved me
That's what I get for trusting Mr. Lie

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