I guess we are all monsters | Teen Ink

I guess we are all monsters

April 28, 2016
By Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
78 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love and forgive often
So it is told
Peace will soon follow
But the mind it still holds
Holds onto anger
Holds on to the pain
Even with a non guilty conscience
Wants the forgiven
To feel the sting
Does it make me a monster
that I get pleasures
when it is me that he seeks??
Seeks out for company
Seeks out for peace
He seeks out for the life
that used to be
He sits all alone
nobody around
Nobody cares
Its his own fault
I sometimes wonder
how his heart goes on
knowing all the chaos
inside of mine that it caused
Justice never served
to a broken little girl
I just pretend everything is alright
in my own little world
Meanwhile crying inside
Where the hell was my protection
It wasn't supposed to be my fight

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