Pain in your Eyes | Teen Ink

Pain in your Eyes

April 28, 2016
By Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
78 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can see the pain in your eyes,
its right there,
reminding me of what I've done.
I am the betrayer,
I put this hurt on you,
and you never deserved to feel this way.
I don't have any excuses;
I can't say it was a mistake,
because I knew exactly what I was doing.
The regret I feel chokes me;
I have no words I can say,
nothing that can erase what I've done.
I wish you'd hate me,
I wish you'd turn away,
I wish you'd say you never want to see me again.
Because sitting here,
watching you accept this
is killing me.
I know you deserve better,
I know that better should have been me,
but it wasn't.
I can say I'm sorry,
but even though I mean it,
they're just empty words.
No one likes a cheater,
no one should.

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