Different Day Same Dream | Teen Ink

Different Day Same Dream

April 22, 2016
By Caitlin13H BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Caitlin13H BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

No one knew not even this little lightening fast red haired girl who was merely six years old that soccer would become so pivotal to her existence.
She didn’t know much about soccer.
She didn’t know how to pass correctly or any footwork.
What she did know was to get the ball and get pasted the defense and score goals…
which she did very well.
Sure she didn’t know all the moves but she had something that can’t be taught, she had hustle and heart.
The little girl only played recreational soccer as a child, she played on her first club team at sixteen.
Late in the game and at a disadvantage she wasn’t where she wanted to be skill wise.
There was only one way to change that…
Hard work. 
Hard works beats talent when talent fails to work hard.
She worked in the morning in the afternoon and at night.
She worked through all the seasons of the year, everyday whether it was cold or warm she worked.
Who knew this little girl would become such a stellar athlete with such big goals in life, who knew she was going on to play division one college soccer and one professionally.
Well she knew…
She knew what she wanted, she dreamt it, she sought it out and is achieving it.

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