Little Girl | Teen Ink

Little Girl

April 21, 2016
By Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
78 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cowering in fear, hidden under her bed
A five year old child lays, quiet as can be
Tears down her face, are constantly shed
Never heard murmuring her constant, almost silent plea
Footsteps sound heavily down the hall
Coming closer and closer to where she hides in fear
She squeezes in closer, against the wall
Frightened, yet too afraid to shed another tear
Silent she lays, hoping she won't be found
Her door opens and she tries hard not to cry
She knows what happens whenever he's around
And even this young, she wishes to die
His footsteps slowly approach where she lay
And she tried so hard not to make a noise at all
She hates the "game" that he makes her play
For help, she really wishes she could call
But she's learnt that no one will come, no one cares
That she must endure this constant torture and pain
She really wishes that someone was there
Because what he is doing, is driving her slowly insane
She hears his laugh as he looks for her
An evil sound that makes her cringe and cower more
She wonders in her childish mind, why this must occur
His voice, his touch, his hands, all chill her to the core
Slowly he lifts up the covers and pulls her from under the bed
And she begs with him to leave her alone
But he throws her down and makes her play their "game" instead
This young child, abused in her own home

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