Dad... | Teen Ink


April 21, 2016
By Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
78 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm sorry you missed the day I came home.
I'm sorry you left my mom all alone.
I'm sorry you missed the first time I walked.
And I'm sorry you missed the first time I talked.

I'm sorry you missed tucking me in at night.
I'm sorry you missed turning off my light.
I'm sorry you missed me getting my first fright.
And I'm sorry you weren't there to tell me it's alright.

I'm sorry you never really cared,
Never bothered to make a call.
In fact, I'm not sorry in the slightest bit.
I'm not sorry at all.

You should be sorry,
Sorry to me,
And sorry to all of us,
For what you couldn't be.

A Dad is supposed to love,
Protect, worship and care.
A Dad is supposed to do all of this,
But most importantly be there.

But you couldn't provide,
Protect or care.
You couldn't worship.
And you couldn't be there

Because you made the choice
To never try with me.
Sure, you're on and off now,
But it's just too late, you see.

I mean, I get it now.
And although this makes me sad...
You will always be my father.
You'll just never be my Dad.

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