Daddy can you hear me | Teen Ink

Daddy can you hear me

April 21, 2016
By Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
78 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Daddy, are you out there?
Daddy, come home
Daddy, please meet me
Daddy, are you alone?

You missed all my smiles
you missed all my tears
you missed all my laughs
you missed all my fears

I hope you come find me
and see who I've become

do you ever think of me?
Do you ever wonder?
Do you know what I'm scared of
lighting or thunder?

have you forgotten
who I really am

would you ever love me
would you ever care
would you ever hold me
like a teddy bear

do you want to know me
do you want to see
the person who I am
and the person I'll be

do you have a picture
that you hold in your hand
or are you too scared
to know who I am

Can you write me a letter
and tell me who you are
so I can see who my dad is
and see if he's a star

well, I hope I get to know you
and you get to know me
cause I really want to meet you
and the person you have been.

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