Her Powerful Emotion | Teen Ink

Her Powerful Emotion

April 12, 2016
By Nazili BRONZE, Pasir Mas, Other
Nazili BRONZE, Pasir Mas, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I see those tears she hid,

When things don't go well,

Acts like everything is okay.


I see the anger she hold,

When I did things wrong,

Saying "My daughter will learn".


I see those eye bags she had,

For all the restless time,

Working hard for us.


I see the happiness in her eyes,

When I passed with flying colours,

Showing that she's proud of me.


In every time,

In every way,

No matter what,

She's always be there ,

A mother for her daughter.

The author's comments:

This poem is dedicated specially for my mum as in every way she's always be there no matter in what state I am.

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