August 31, 1957 | Teen Ink

August 31, 1957

April 7, 2016
By NadratulHuda BRONZE, Temerloh, Other
NadratulHuda BRONZE, Temerloh, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Heard the cry of independence
A native of the state groan
Because attain freedom
From the evil invaders

Tunku Abdul Rahman
First prime minister of Malaysia
Mandated and trust to administer Malaysia
By all residents Malaysia

Happiness every day
Freedom every time
Do anything
In the days to come

Malaysia be peaceful
Welfare of the people kept
For the sake of national unity
Among the Malays, Chinese and Indians

After 58 years of independence
Malaysia into a modern state and global
Led by Dato' Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak
A great leader and dedicated

We are proud to be Malaysian
And we pledge to defend the country
For the sake of our beloved Malaysia

The author's comments:

I hope that the independence of Malaysia will continue and will become a developed country and is known throughout the world. This work is inspired by my own beloved for the sake of malaysia and fighting spirit to defend the country

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