Brother | Teen Ink


April 5, 2016
By carolinagmendoza BRONZE, Key Biscayne, Florida
carolinagmendoza BRONZE, Key Biscayne, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You make me think more than I should

You drive me insane
Growing up I always wanted to be just like you
Imitating and copying your every move
And the fights we’ve battled
I will never forget the board games we played
And how I reacted when you beat me
At every single game
The tantrums I would throw
All the screams that would be heard
All the way down the block
My brother how I miss you so
And how I always want to share my secrets with you
So you can correct my right from wrong
I hope you’re doing big things in college
Successful ones
So you can prepare for not only your future, but for mine
Sometimes I ask myself
If I would have it any other day
But having a brother like you,
Has helped me grow, laugh and cherish life
And not only has it helped me in that sense
Having a brother has not let me repeat
The same mistakes he has committed
Brother you’ve conquered plenty
And I really hope I do see you continue to grow
Your future looks so bright ahead of you
Of being a future stock broker
Handling my money and my stocks
Not only will you strive for excellence
In the work place and with
Your career
But your children will be more than fortunate enough
To have the opportunity to call you
Their father
The laughs they’ll share with you
And the memories they’ll be able to
Create with you
Love will always be projected
In the children’s direction
And that love,
Will be projected by you
Make sure you have them
Laugh their asses off
Just like you never failed to do
With me
Brother I hope you don’t forget me
And how important you will
Always be to me
I want you to know
That no matter what the circumstance
May be
I’ll always be here whenever
You may need
Come home soon
Because the family misses you…     ‘

The author's comments:

My relationship with my brother really inspired me to create this piece. Especially since he is away at college it really helps me cherish my relationship with him more, keep it close to my heart forever and always.

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