The World To Come. Amen. | Teen Ink

The World To Come. Amen.

March 26, 2016
By calamity-chloe SILVER, Broadview, Illinois
calamity-chloe SILVER, Broadview, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I wish I always had a pen and paper in my hand because the greatest ideas flee the fastest.

My mind is not a dainty thing.
My thoughts quarrel loudly debating all morals and reasons
But you calm me affectionately.
Echoing through my mind in sweet silence
healing my soul with fervent whispers of love.

With You I am never civil
You stoke my impulse to love.
You are the diligent light making what I see as dreary—vibrant
I writhe with the passion to exclaim my praise and love.

But I still fear you,
And all the unknown
What will I become after my final hours?
Do I exchange being me to become completely serene?
I could reject all you’ve done?
But you know,
I will always choose you,
So that you’re tranquil love will feed to soul forever more

And so, please meet me at the gate
Take me or leave me
Either way it was a pleasure to have known you

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