Place of Enernity | Teen Ink

Place of Enernity

March 17, 2016
By Rodney47 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Rodney47 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Living as a man with a wife,
children by their sides.
working to have money.
closer to the end

Now the new pharaoh...
work begins on his final resting place,
a pyramid.
closer to the end

Temperatures reach over 100ºF…
The structure constructed from massive blocks
workers cut from the nearest quarry.
closer to the end

Level after level…
Slowly gaining in height
Day after day...week after week…month after month…year after year.
closer to the end

20 years later…
Gold covered blocks placed at the top
Limestone covered there remaining.
closer to the end

Lives lost, Lives crushed...
Millions gone but,
ready for the pharaoh’s death.
Finished in the end.

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