The Impossible Escape | Teen Ink

The Impossible Escape

March 17, 2016
By legionofboom SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
legionofboom SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hadwin facing a daring task,
dips his body into the stream.
The River Styx burns his body,
as he screams in pain.
Cerberus roars at the sight of him, as
Hadwin emerges and drawing his sword.
The two face off, but
before the first strike,
Hades emerges.
Cerberus steps aside,
letting Hades face Hadwin .
Hades draws his staff,
Hadwin laughs at the challenge.
The two jump back and forth,
wounding one another equally.
Hadwin realizes the task ahead, and
Hades, screaming in pain.
He stabs him again,
fleeing as Cerberus charges,
Hadwin leaps into the abyss.
Escaping the impossible.

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