Dear Heathcliff | Teen Ink

Dear Heathcliff

March 12, 2016
By SamieAudrey SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
SamieAudrey SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Author’s Note: I was inspired to write this poem after reading chapter 15, where Heathcliff bursts into Catherines’ room while she is basically on her deathbed. Since Catherine is on her deathbed, there is more madness in her, but Heathcliff barging in only made it worse. She is still stuck between Edgar and Heathcliff, and is being held responsible for breaking both their hearts. I had originally written this poem as a letter, where Catherine was describing how she felt and what she thought, but in the end, decided to put it into a poem format. Although a poem, it still sounds like a letter and her thoughts throughout the poem continue to progress until she asks the question of if her soul was ever once a whole. As for the quote at the end, although it was Heathcliff who said it, I felt that it fit well with Catherine’s perpetually twisted personality and the madness that she experiences.

Translucent and fading,
my beats start to slow.
In case you were wondering,
you already know.
My mind's been made,
since I first saw your eyes.
You're the devil and I love you,
Oh sweet, sweet saint of mine.
I'm searching and searching for words that are real,
I'm a monster- a tyrant- a demon-
but at least I can feel.
In the screaming stillness,
my eyes start to tear.
My voice I cannot find,
my pleas you'll never hear.
My failed attempts to convey-you believe my words "goodbye",
my thoughts never my actions-
a hypocrites only lie.
Your soul and mine are one,
this i know to be true.
Hand in hand they commit their crimes,
they know not what they do.
So take my shattered spirit, was it even once a whole?
And once more I'll scream into the [desolation], "I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!"

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