The Reserved Heart | Teen Ink

The Reserved Heart

March 11, 2016
By tarahsumpter BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
tarahsumpter BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Whatever satisfies the soul, is truth."

Love the reserved heart.

It isn’t hard or cold as rock.
It simply has a shield to protect its fragile beating.

It doesn’t mean to hurt you.
It hates pushing you away.
If you would look deep within,
You would see that it is just as loving as an open heart.

Love the reserved heart.
It tends to have deeper emotions,
That seem to be more difficult to bring to the surface.

Love a reserved heart.
It is scared.
It has been hurt many times.
And though it may have trouble expressing feelings to you,
It is still as beautiful as a rose.
And a reserved heart,
Is a loyal heart.

Love this heart.
It may be quiet,
But if you listen close you will hear all the whispers of love,
It is expressing to you.
Whispers that will collide with your heart,
Like velvet against your cheek.
And they will warm you,
Like a gentle sun.

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