Education Power | Teen Ink

Education Power

March 11, 2016
By sabalj SILVER, San Ramon, California
sabalj SILVER, San Ramon, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Education needs.
‘Courage projects’.
‘Self-respect’ labs.
‘Self-knowledge’ courses.

Issues in the world.
Most conflicts in the world.
Stem from lack of self.
Lack of love for self.

I understand myself.
I take good decisions.
I am not lost.
At any cost.

If I had courage.
To face the day.
I would pop out of bed
Without any dread

You would not pull me down.
I would not pull you down.
If I had self-respect.
And that’s my bet.

How to acquire.
Confidence and courage.
Self-respect and self-love.
I wish we had guidance.

Let schools teach them.
Let students learn.
Let it be an achievement.
Let it be a requirement.

Let anger come down.
Let revenge come down.
Let’s be clear.
Self-respect is dear.

Daemons inside out.
Don’t let them sprout.
Courage is a necessity.
Teach that in every city.

Let’s repeat again.
Today we need.
Self-respect and courage.
As part of education.
In every nation.

The author's comments:

If there was one solution to everything , it would probably be, every individual of the world gaining courage and self-respect. The best way to ensure that would be to teach how, in schools.

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