You're it | Teen Ink

You're it

March 2, 2016
By Mollymaree PLATINUM, CF, Minnesota
Mollymaree PLATINUM, CF, Minnesota
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Losing someone is playing a game of tag
With happiness. Right when happiness sympathetically
Gives in, grief pounces like a lion,
Placing memories in my mind that are trying desperately to be

When I am at the climax of my day, occasionally a
Burst of sorrow explodes in my gut,
Repeated thoughts creep creating a
Cloud in my brain and haze over my eyes as I
Stumble while chasing happiness.

I try to shake the pause off, refocusing and breathing deeply,
Diving back into the day while faking a smile and a weak laugh
Looking at my bloody wounds
On my hands and knees. I am chugging along as best I can, 
It’s my turn to be it.

Happiness is in sight
I am pumping my arms, greatly yearning for the
Burden of grief to jump off my sore back.
I am starting to feel joy as warm yellow energy
Radiates off of happiness, touching my eager fingertips.

I leap with outstretched arms, finally
Grasping happiness,
Sudden closure and contentment scurry through my
Drained soul and body as I lay,
Wondering when I will see grief again.

The author's comments:

This is a poem about losing someone.

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