Wild Wild Wasteland | Teen Ink

Wild Wild Wasteland

March 2, 2016
By TrippleZero SILVER, Waffle Town, Minnesota
TrippleZero SILVER, Waffle Town, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The man was traveling the waste’s for a day, without a drop a water.

He saw an oasis in the distance, a miracle for sure.
His feet against the dry and cold sand, he stumbled towards it.
The closer he got, the farther away the oasis was.

The man fell onto the dry and cold sand.
He got sand into his eye and it burned like a fire,
After he got up the oasis was gone.
The miracle turned into a nightmare.

He still stumbled the way that the oasis was
He believed it was real, any crazy man would.
But this crazy man had a long story.
He fainted, the man fainted into the dry and cold sand, never to be seen again?

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