trains on the membrains | Teen Ink

trains on the membrains

February 24, 2016
By genes SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
genes SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why oh why
Do you have that black eye?
I didn’t mean to stare at your nose
Leonardo Dicaprio Declared 12 types of noses
Or was it Davinci
But I’ve never seen one like yours.

Did he give you that black eye?
My oh my the way your tears reflect
On the bruised skin they poor down upon

If I touch it will it give beneath my finger?
If I lick it, will it taste like red meat?
If I cup your face will you tell me what’s wrong?

I’m so sorry.
Please don’t stare back at me

Having eyebrows’ all scrunched up like that
Will only add to the wrinkles
I’m just now noticing…

I’ll stop.

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