The Falling Snow | Teen Ink

The Falling Snow

February 22, 2016
By Jamarcus-Aleen BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
Jamarcus-Aleen BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Heavy drops of fluffy white snow fall from the sky.
Dropping like bullets, each shining glimmer catches your eye.
A thick blanket of powder begins to form on the ground.
The crackling crunch of snow is the only sound.
One flake, two flakes, and a million more,
all coming to life, like an old folk lore.
Each dancing drop with a mind of its own,
dancing and twirling, glowing white like a bone.
Kids run and play in the endless hills of snow.
Cheering, singing and laughter fill the air below.
And then one day the warm sun begins to return.
The birds begin to chirp, the seasons begin to turn.
One by one each flake melts away.
A vivid blue sky replaces what was once grey.
Finally, one day all the snow is gone.
Thick green grass returns to your reincarnated lawn.
But don’t you worry, it won't be long until the flakes return to the sky.
As you watch from your window, each glimmer catching your eye.

The author's comments:

"Poetry is an expression of emotion. It's carefully constructed to evoke a certain response. The poem's emotion comes from the poet, and the response evoked in the reader. Sometimes what the poet intends is not what the reader responds with."

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