Sentinel | Teen Ink


February 15, 2016
By RyanByrnes BRONZE, O'Fallon, Illinois
RyanByrnes BRONZE, O'Fallon, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star." - Thoreau

There is a puppy that stands sentinel here,
That sends its watch o’er the grey earth
And legion upon legion of dusty hacked shrub
And white ash falling as snow;
Breathes a wet tongue through crook of teeth;
With wiry flank, and paws now crossed
Lays in the twisted garden
Of paradise lost.

The days were long
Since the fruit forbade.
The world an infant – wailing! Cast out!
And since the trees had gone
So saw the white-burning sun:
The pup, arms crossed, tongue out
Eyes trained hard on the distant hills.

Until the master came,
Strolling by under the sun,
Unfurling the leash,
Reading the collar;
Until the tail would wag
And the tongue not cease greeting:
The paws stayed crossed.
And the eyes were waiting.

The author's comments:

Shout out to anyone who has a dog.  If not, welcome to the squad.

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