Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 8, 2016
By catluver12345678 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
catluver12345678 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the marine layer bubbling and the sun dancing on the bay,

where the city tycoons coexist with rushing cable cars, relaxed minds, and every “surfer” with a business job in suit and tie 
This is where I am happy, calm.

I’m the girl popping chlorine bubbles

the clock my only competitor. Heart aches and the lion eyes piercing my   competitor

Sweat and tears…

I’m from where I love you, ti amo, and jeg elsker dig are the same but different

a blended family: miles of vineyards meeting the dinner table in Copenhagen overlooking the Baltic Sea.
      Acceptance and family...

I’m from an overpowering mind, where imagination and dreams please others

“you can’t worry about things you can’t control” and “worrying is just a waste of time.”
Scared with sweaty hands…

I’m from a mixed family

from the screaming Italians to the calm Danish kitchen filled with homemade pastries hitting grocery stores
Loving and thankful...

I’m from sacrificing sleep to train

it’s 4:20 am, chlorine and deadlifts is the breakfast of champions

Determined and focused…

And I am still from the marine layer bubbles and the sun dancing on the bay

But now, Louisville calls, And the one time I’ll say, “Go Cards!”

This is where I’ll be happy, calm.

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