February 8, 2016
By marad32 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
marad32 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from twig competitions and blazing bonfires in Eagle River.

      From racing my sister to hot water, shivering from freezing pools.
      From Christmas Eve at Uncle John’s where screaming replaced a normal tone.
      From making Grandpa take my fish off of the hook. (Fish will always be frightening).
I am from bright, multi-colored walls and mom believing she is van Gogh.
     From winters with white Christmas lights and the scent of pine needle candles.
     From summers with Schroeder’s, sizzling burgers, biking to the Chocolate Factory.

I am from soaring in the sky on a double bounce.
     From 4 a.m. “truth or dare’s”.
     From Friday night open gym with the boys.
I am from mandarin chicken at Stir Fry 88.
    From “Special Person week” at school.
    From one scream that almost changed everything.

I am from the awkwardly tall and skinny girl.
    From a bob and bangs.
    From fake cuts with markers which lead to Backyardigan band-aids.
I am from Marzie.
    From Peanut.
    From Moozie.

I am from monthly readings at 8 o’clock mass.
    From being on time.
    From the only one who never hated their mom.
I am from honesty.
   From hard work.
   From, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

I am from family who teaches me anything is possible.
   From proving people wrong.
   From learning that perfect is undesirable.
I am from reflecting on my life and realizing where I came from has the most influence on who I am today.

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