Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 8, 2016
By legionofboom SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
legionofboom SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from
little pink houses;
conformity standard
change the plague.
I am from a family
worried about retirement and college expenses,
even though it’s away.
I am from a school
where privilege surrounds,
never exposed to the lower class.

I am from traveling
the world,
spinning the globe,
let’s see where we go.
I am from “hurry up” and
“we will miss the flight!”
I am from embarrassing
the announcement, we made;
“my mom is lost and must be found,
at the Colosseum's front gate.”

I am from politics
my interest surging,
as I grow during social change.
I am from experiences
meeting Tammy Baldwin,
attending a vigil for Tony Robinson,
(so young to die).
I am from make a difference
help care for victims of Hurricane Sandy
help rebuild their homes to make them happy.
I am from I believe
conforming is the plague,
change is necessary,
we are afraid.

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