Polished Silver | Teen Ink

Polished Silver

February 5, 2016
By rishir BRONZE, Cerritos, California
rishir BRONZE, Cerritos, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I were a color, it would be silver
like my tuba that I love to play.
Even though it was rusted and corroded when I got it,
it can still look like polished silver.
It looks weary, fragile, and on the cusp of demolished,
but it still has the full sound that any other tuba has.
Everyone has their misconceptions about tubas.
Tubas are lazy.
Tubas are stupid.
Tubas aren’t as great as trumpets.
But if they knew how much the tuba works,
they’d be blown out of their minds.
The tuba is its own entity.
Its polished silver can’t be compared to any other
because the tuba is the tuba.
And that’s all it can be.

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