Periwinkle | Teen Ink


February 5, 2016
By joychunn BRONZE, Cerritos, California
joychunn BRONZE, Cerritos, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I were a color, it would be periwinkle
like the stuffed animal my parents gave to me when I was three
not knowing it would be the one thing I took everywhere with me
to noisy restaurants
the bright yellow covered day care
and to sleep.
My stuffed animal in one hand and holding my dad with the other
I walked around the park looking at ducks in the water
They splashed around waiting for the bread
that people bring every morning
I wanted to be like them
carefree and together, like a family
I looked up to my older cousin
because she was the closest thing I had to a sister
when I was overwhelmed with loneliness
only children felt deep in their heart.
I hated going places without her
I begged her to go to dinner with me
and she asked for my stuffed animal
I loved that periwinkle rabbit
but I wanted her there with me more
and I gave it to her.
Just like that
it was gone.
My favorite periwinkle rabbit stuffed animal.

The author's comments:

You could find Joy snowboarding down Black Diamond Mountain or playing with her six cats in her free time. Similar to her adventurous lifestyle, she enjoys reading books by Lois Lowry and Gregory Maguire.

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