Man on The Moon | Teen Ink

Man on The Moon

January 23, 2016
By FromKid2Punk SILVER, Boxford, Massachusetts
FromKid2Punk SILVER, Boxford, Massachusetts
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Piglet: &quot;How do you spell love?&quot;<br /> Pooh: &quot;You don&#039;t spell it, you feel it.&quot;

He watches from afar.
Looking at his kids from a fading light.
Dancing with the stars in the night.
They know he’s close as he lays in the sun.
Looking down on everyone.
Rays absorbing the memories to shine them down
on a few souls standing on the ground.
His heart is a new home.
The kids feel alone.
To tired to go to bed
memories overwhelming their head.
Still a lullaby                                                                               musical notes soar through the sky. 

The author's comments:

This is dedicated to my father

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