Bigger Than You | Teen Ink

Bigger Than You

January 22, 2016
By eily919 GOLD, Lake Bluff, Illinois
eily919 GOLD, Lake Bluff, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

someday you’ll be really sad that you didn’t believe in me
and that you laughed at me
and that you didn’t want to see what I was working on

someday you’ll wish that you hadn’t assumed I couldn’t do it
and that you were better than me

someday you’ll be really sad when you see me on the tv
and I’m thanking everyone who ever helped me
and I don’t say your name

because you belittled me and made me small
when I always knew I could be huge

someday you’ll be really sad that when you were busy making fun of all I couldn’t do
I grew bigger than you

The author's comments:

For everyone who is underestimated and laughed at.  I believe in you.

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