"Dance for Us!!!" | Teen Ink

"Dance for Us!!!"

January 22, 2016
By eily919 GOLD, Lake Bluff, Illinois
eily919 GOLD, Lake Bluff, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

you cheer him on while he dances in front of the school
you cheer and you laugh
because he wants to be a dancer and because he loves the applause
and you think it’s fine because he doesn’t know
you think it’s fine because he thinks you believe in him
and maybe it’s for the best for now because he won’t lose hope
but one day he’ll wake up and he’ll realize that he wasn’t the celebrity, that he was the joke
he’ll realize that no one ever believed in him after all
except people did, people really did, but they were drowned out by the cheering
and how will you feel then
how will you feel when you’ve killed someone’s dream for a laugh

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