Hope For Home | Teen Ink

Hope For Home

January 20, 2016
By MichaelH SILVER, Op, Kansas
MichaelH SILVER, Op, Kansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The wind blows through the air
my shelter gives me care
what if there was no place to linger
lonely without a place to be
missing home
how shameful it would be
to lose it all
all things of value to me
as I go along
there's no place to start again
Only if I had that place
and person nice and sweet
who would give it to me
and I wish some time
to be able to
help someone else
whose hope is less
oh the joy it would bring them
and then I would linger in my home
with many others
without a place to roam
and some time they will help others
than homelessness will not grow
and this kindness
will surround the world
although this might take some time
its better than dirt and grime.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem in seventh grade while working with Bonnie Lynn. It is a poem written to sell empty bowls to support homeless food kitchens.

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