Bound | Teen Ink


January 11, 2016
By hello.lovely BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
hello.lovely BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live Freely. True chains are self formed and breakable.

Tragically beautiful.
It’s such a sad phrase,
to be so stunning and touching.
So unearthly overwhelming bewitching that you aren’t just pretty
or cute
or adorable
but beautiful.
So sad and heartwrenchingly emotionally or mentally somber you can’t just be sad
or hurt
or dire
but tragic.
Such a sad phrase,
to know that one person can be so exquisite on the outside but a mind field within their desolate heart.
What is truly tragic?
That they are beautiful?
That they are hurting?
Is it that they have a beckoning and spell binding face?
Or is it their soul and not their appearance at all-
that binds you to the angelic beast.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 20 2016 at 10:50 am
Nated315 DIAMOND, Georgetown, New York
92 articles 7 photos 105 comments

Favorite Quote:
Truth has many shades. It's not a matter of black and white, but many grays.

You put into words something that people often cannot. That in itself is powerful. How you put these words together is powerful and artistic! I can relate and I feel every word is strength. Wonderful job!!!! Keep writing and you'll go far!