Witness | Teen Ink


January 11, 2016
By domenica.dillon SILVER, Amesbury, Massachusetts
domenica.dillon SILVER, Amesbury, Massachusetts
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The agony as they waited in the sun

Unexpected ability to run

The cramped positions during transport

Relying on each other for support

The relief of escaping claustrophobia

Shattering fall into xenophobia

The tears that rolled down their cheeks

As they were forced into freaks

I saw it all

I saw everything

I wanted to cushion the fall

I wanted to intervene

But for fear of repercussions

Fear of threatening discussions

I kept to myself

I let my eyes glaze over

I kept my jaw clenched

I let my body go on autopilot

And I did my job

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