Wall Street Journal Love Poem | Teen Ink

Wall Street Journal Love Poem

January 5, 2016
By a.webs GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
a.webs GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
13 articles 1 photo 0 comments

A young nerdy man, merely curious, longed
for the strong sculptural beauty that prowls New York.

A cool marvel, one to obsess over,
who hummed as she walked,
without a suspicion
of being watched like a zoo animal.

Showcasing long, silky black hair,
and a powerful stride,
no one could compete.

Stubbornly tethered to his attraction for her
he began to walk towards her.

But as she took off her long beige coat,
a sporty hoody and broad shoulders appeared.

Underneath was a man.

The young nerdy man’s devoted stare
turned rapidly to distrust.

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