Five Best Friends | Teen Ink

Five Best Friends

January 5, 2016
By Johnny23 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Johnny23 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who accept me. I am the only one who accepts them. Five best friends who love to fish and have a carefree attitude. Five who are not brothers by blood, but are at heart. Five outcasts from the popular crowd. From my eyes, I see them laughing and enjoying what life has to offer, but I do not see them unhappy.
Their strength is their loyalty. They have each other’s and my back. They do not define each other by looks or popularity, but by the honesty and support they commit to one another. This is how their bond never fails to end.
Let one friend forget about fishing, they’d all remind one another of patience, each with their arms around the other. Fish, fish, fish they cry when the flag points upward. They celebrate.
When I am too tired and too fatigued to keep laughing, when my back is against the wall, then it is I who turns to my friends. When our friendship lives on. Five who became friends despite our different personalities. Five who do not fail to put a smile on my face. Five whose only intention is to laugh and have fun.

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