Recipe for a lasting friendship | Teen Ink

Recipe for a lasting friendship

January 6, 2016
By 6donovan GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6donovan GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments


A lifetime of memories
A pinch of late night conversations
An empire of many laughs
A carton of inside jokes
4 portions of working it out 
A bin of watching movies all night
A pocketful of sleepovers
2 sprinkles of rough times 
Mounds of trust
A load of acceptance
A handful of crazy adventures
A galaxy of love
8 crates of bad music

First in a small bowl mix together the pinch of late night conversations, & the pocketful of sleepovers. Next get out two separate medium bowls. In the first medium bowl put the mounds of trust, the load of acceptance, the handful of crazy adventures, the empire of many laughs, the 8 crates of bad music, and the carton of inside jokes. In the second medium bowl mix together the 2 sprinkles of rough times,  the 4 portions of working it out, and the bin of watching movies all night. Lastly get one ginormous bowl combine all ingredients previously combined add the galaxy of love and the lifetime of memories; use beaters to stir and mix well. Then bake for thirteen years at 425 degrees. Best enjoyed each and every day. Will last forever if always in your heart. 

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