Pharoah of Egypt, I am | Teen Ink

Pharoah of Egypt, I am

December 1, 2015
By jenkuck98 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
jenkuck98 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

King Khufu,
Pharaoh of Egypt.
My sons shall take my place
Eternal rest prevails ready to inhabit my body
A tireless twenty years of heaving, hauling and heat
frame the life I breathed under luscious limestone...
Sacred crimson granite protects my closed eyes from the horrors
Though my eyes may be closed my soul stirs, disturbed from peaceful quietness.
Sneaking snakes crawl through the passageways with riches that once lay beside me

And now artifacts in clear cases will confess to you the veracity of my lifetime,
what valuables are left of me lie within your grasp
The Pharaoh of Egypt...
I am.

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