The Sphinx | Teen Ink

The Sphinx

December 1, 2015
By b.who SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
b.who SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     Eyes observing, as the sphinx

cautiously watches the Pharaoh
   rule. Dusk to dawn, minute by minute,
     secrets fuel. Above, it oversees
the winds of change. Wars, thieves and new rulers . . . nothing’s too strange.
Long, hot, endless days. Exhaustion, broken spirits fend. These slaves . . . no future . . . no           hope. . . raised with no chance of brighter days to cope. With the head of a king and a body of a                  beast, it watches, without a peep, nor sleep. Rain, storm, and war--above the horror.
In the midst, dusk to dawn it looms over seeing the darkest times that rule.

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