Walking Through The Gardens Of Babylon: The Journey | Teen Ink

Walking Through The Gardens Of Babylon: The Journey

December 1, 2015
By ThebeNerudaKgositsile SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
ThebeNerudaKgositsile SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you can do it, do it. But if you can't, which you probably can't, don't do it."

Seen from miles away--Lay a vast green mountain that had colours of yellow and red mixed.
Beams of sun rest upon Earth in a city of life and colour.
Vines slide down buildings like water falls .
Trees grow, penetrating into the sky growing taller than Jack’s beanstalk.
Flowers of reds, blues, and yellows grow exoticly to admire.
A calm and subtle blue river flows through the city and pulls beauty together.
The city grows with life: A life never seen.
Leaving the city isn’t as luscious and breathtaking as entering-the gates led into a dark and dull world.
A world without life, without beauty, without meaning.
Walking further and further, the city disappears into the shine of the sun.
Such beauty repeated, nor a replica.
The green mountain once painted against the blue sky now gone, but perpetually imaged. 

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