I'll Make You | Teen Ink

I'll Make You

November 29, 2015
By KatKiller13 GOLD, Sweeny, Texas
KatKiller13 GOLD, Sweeny, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“why did i so passionately require the truth? because all great fiction is true”
― Kinky Friedman, Kill Two Birds and Get Stoned

My love, I can’t tell.
This time, you’re the one to go down.
You’ll be destroyed.

I know what you think.
I’ll break your heart in two
Like you did mine.

I’ll try and try,
You’re afraid to die.
But that’s not it.

I’m going to make you suffer.
I’m going to make you wish.

Darling, can’t you tell?
This story is like a fiery dragon,
And your pages will be burned to a crisp.

I’ll have you speaking with a lisp,
A stutter, a pause.

I’ll make you believe,
I’ll make you pay.

You’ll be afraid of the dark,
When the storm has brewed to life.

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