I Am Ready To Live | Teen Ink

I Am Ready To Live

November 12, 2015
By cassidy.lynn BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
cassidy.lynn BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am not afraid of ageing
I want to grow old
I want to learn and experience
I want to meet new people and fall in love
I want to be plagued by nostalgia on my death bed
That is what ageing is about
Bettering yourself
And growing from experience
Wrinkles and gray hair are just superficial attributes
In the words of Martha Beth
“Society equates happiness with youth”
We believe that youth and beauty is what makes a soul
But if you ask me our experiences
Give us a soul, and our opinions and our views of the world
Maybe I’ optimistic or just unrealistic
But I believe the more we age
The more opportunities you have to better yourself as a person
We are all flawed
We can all improve
I want to learn
I want to travel
I want to meet new people
I want to hear their stories
And eat their food
I want to pet every dog that I see
I want to witness the sunrise
From a temple in Bali
And a rooftop in New York City
I want to experience the sunset
While skydiving in Rio
And from an elephants back in Africa
I want to gain experiences
I want to gain a soul
Life is made of beauty and dirt
And I am ready to witness all of it
I am ready to grow old with my memories
I am ready to live
You are not forever
Tomorrow is not a guarantee
Stop acting like it is

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