Hidden Message | Teen Ink

Hidden Message

November 5, 2015
By parkersheriff BRONZE, Alta Loma, California
parkersheriff BRONZE, Alta Loma, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear You,

I’m an idiot.
At least that’s what my friends call me when I told them I left you.


I’m starting to believe them.

I hope you know that I loved you. 
I told you once before, I know you heard me, but you pretended you didn’t.
I pretended that I didn’t say it.


We sometimes look at each other now, but you look away first.
I’m tempted to ask you for your name all over again,
But I have to bite my tongue and force myself to remember that I don’t love you,

The author's comments:

I had just recently gone trough a pretty bad break up. She told me that I never really made her happy. Oh, and the "Hidden Message" is meloncholy.

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