Chasing the Rain | Teen Ink

Chasing the Rain

November 3, 2015
By EmmaRoseP SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
EmmaRoseP SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are like roses. If you just grab at us, you'll get a handful of thorns, but if you know where the thorns are and why they protect us you won't get hurt as badly.Only then will you appreciate our beauty."

Fresh and hopeful,


solitary on the hot, black gravel,

barefoot and hopeful.


Guilt and broken promises

left me two miles back,

when the car windows were rolled down,

and broken hearts were admitted into the operating room.


A single dwop of relief drops onto lashes,

eyes staring up at the gray clouds,

rolling in.

The rain arrived for the cruelty,

in tears and goodbyes,

while true freedom was realized.


And the sun comes back,

during the storm,

giving life to rose petals,

as they drowned,

and I could not help,

but watch the beauty in it.


Raindrops slowed,

leaving me heavy,

with wet clothes and sticky feet,

running two miles back,

to chase the storm again.

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